Notices to stop construction n in agricultural facilities in the village of Al-Nabi Elias, Qalqilya Governorate

Notices to stop construction n in agricultural facilities in the village of Al-Nabi Elias, Qalqilya Governorate


  • Violation: notices of suspension of work.
  • Location: Al-Nabi Elias Village / Qalqilya Governorate.
  • Date of violation: 14/02/2022.
  • The aggressor party: the so-called Israeli Civil Administration.
  • Affected party: two families from the village.

The violation details:

On Monday morning, February 14, 2022, the so-called construction inspector of the Israeli Civil Administration raided the village of Nabi Elias, east of Qalqilya, and issued military notices containing orders to stop construction on the pretext of not having a construction permit in Area C of the Oslo Accord.

In its notices, the occupation authorities demanded an immediate halt to construction work, and set the date of (14/3/2022 AD) as time for holding a session for the so-called Inspection Subcommittee at its headquarters in the settlement of “Beth El” to discuss what it called “the demolition of the building or the return of the place to its previous state.”

Stop construction orders by owner name, family members, order number, structure type and area:

Owner name

No. fam. mem.

Of whom children

No.  Order

Structure type

Area M2

No. photo

Nasser Aqel Mahmoud Radwan




A concrete wall surrounds a plot of land with an agricultural room inside.

The length of the wall is 100m, the area of ​​the room is about 40 m2

1+ 2

Abdul Latif Mahmoud Ahmed Al-Rai




Greenhouses and an agricultural service room in a plot of land m2


3 + 4










Categories: Military Orders