New Colonial Road for Negohot settlement West Dura / Hebron governorate

New Colonial Road for Negohot settlement West Dura / Hebron governorate


  • Violation: Opening a new colonial road.
  • Date: May 1st 2020.
  • Location: Fqaiqis – Dura town / Hebron governorate.
  • Perpetrators: Settlers of Negohot.
  • Victims: Al- Suwaity family.


The Israeli Occupation Authorities are implementing a massive Colonial Scheme around Negohot settlement, which devoured vast areas of lands from Fuqeiqis village West Dura in Hebron.

In February 2018, the occupation authorities deposited detailed plan (A/1/521) to expand Negohot and open new bypass roads, with the aim of linking the settlement with newly established outposts; Mershalim and Giva’at Habstan.

LRC is tracking expansions in Negohot colony, read our report in February 14th 2018.

The detailed plan announced in 2018 targeted 291 dunums of lands in Dura town. On the ground, the plan will annex previously built colonial structures , and add new ones, in addition to the new roads , which reflects the occupation authorities’ intentions to authorize the settlement.

Once the plan was announced in 2018 , the occupation authorities started implementing it on the ground , it is observed that both parts the western and the northern of the settlement were expanded, for more information read our report:

“Negohot” settlement goes under expansion

May 2020, the occupation authorities started implementing the second part of the plan announced in 2018 , this part includes opening a new road which will facilitate transferring equipments to serve the settlement’s developmental projects.

The Occupation authorities assigned engineers to put signs on the ground , then bulldozers and excavators started leveling the ground to open a new road.

Photos 1-3 : Leveling the ground to open  a colonial road – May 2020

The new road is 400m long , it ate up a confiscated plot belongs to Al-Suwaity family , the plot was confiscated early in the 80s after the occupation classified it as a state property.



Categories: Bypass Roads