Israeli troops confiscate Kiosks and close a main road in Wadi Qelt / Jericho governorate

Israeli troops confiscate Kiosks and close a main road in Wadi Qelt / Jericho governorate

Violation: confiscating kiosks and closing a main road.

Location: Wadi Qelt / Jericho governorate.

Date: March 28 – 2018.

Perpetrator: The Israeli occupation army.

Victims: citizens of the area.


Wadi Qelt on the south west of Jericho city was the home of several civilizations as it lies in one of the oldest cities on earth.

Like many historical and ancient sites, Wadi Qelt is subjected by Israeli attempts to change historical identity and closure under illogical claims.

 Israeli troops confiscate kiosks:

It is reported that number of Israeli forces raided “Saint George Monastery” area in 9:30 of Wednesday morning March 28, and confiscated two kiosks belong to the following citizens:

  • Zuhdi Ebeyat : He owns a kiosk for selling antiques and souvenirs , Israeli troops confiscated all the goods, His financial lost reached 1585 $. Noteworthy Zuhdi is the supporter of family of 7 , 5 of them are children.
  • Khairi Khawarezmeh: He owns a kiosk for antiques and souvenirs, Israeli troops confiscated the goods, his financial lost reached 1715 $, Khawarezmeh is the supporter of 4 family members, 2 of them are children.

Khawarezmeh told LRC observer: “I sell souvenirs for living and it is my only source of income. I was shocked when the Israeli troops confiscated my kiosk without any alarming notices then forced us to leave the area without giving any answers”

Photos 2-4: Saint George monastery area after the assault.

Road closure:

In the same context, The Israeli occupation forces closed the road that connects Saint George Monastery to Jericho city.

Sabah Rashed the responsible of colonization file:

“ The targeted road is the main road to Wadi Qelt touristic area, and one of the oldest roads in the city used to connect Jericho to the southern cities of West Bank before 1967”

Activist Adel Abu Ne’meh told LRC observer: “closing the road has a negative impact on the touristic sector of Jericho city, the road was a bath for tourists’ buses heading to Saint George monastery, now tourists have to go through bypass 90  and Mitzpe Yeriho towards Saint George monastery.”

Photos 5-6: Saint George monastery road closed by the occupation.

Photo 7 -8 : Mizpe Yeriho settlement.


Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Closure