Ravaging 12 graves in Al-‘Arrub Camp north Hebron

Ravaging 12 graves in Al-‘Arrub Camp north Hebron

  • Violation: Ravaging 12 graves.
  • Date: August 1 , 2018 .
  • Location: Al-‘Arrub refugees camp / Hebron governorate.
  • Perpetrator: Israeli occupation civil administration.
  • Victims: Villagers from Aj-Jawabra family.


The Israeli occupation authorities demolished in August 1 graves belong to Aj-Jawabra family in Al-Arrub refugees camp north hebron.

Eyewitness said that members of the Israeli occupation army and civil administration accompanied by a (JCB) bulldozer, broke into the camp 5:00 am, besieged the grave yard and the bulldozer carried out ravaging 12 graves.

Photos 1-5: The grave yard after the ravaging.

Aj-Jawabra family devoted (200m2 ) land as a grave yard for the family, but the occupation carried out the demolition without delivering any preceding notices.

Residents of the area expect that the demolition happened because the graveyard lies in the way of a new bypass road Israelis are planning to implant over Palestinian confiscated lands.


Categories: Demolition