Demolition order on a carwash in the Jerusalem town of Beit Hanina

Demolition order on a carwash in the Jerusalem town of Beit Hanina




The occupation's  municipality in Jerusalem notified on April 23, 2016 a carwash of demolition on the claim of unlicensed construction. The structure is reported to be located nearby the construction location of "Rami Levi" commercial complex, which is being built on the area's lands. It should be marked that the carwash belongs to citizen Nidal Shuweiki .

Photo 1: the targeted structure

Citizen Nidal told Land Research Center the following:

"  I leased a plot of land in Beit Hanina and I established a 1500m2 carwash facility on it in 2009. The structure is located on the main street that separates the land from Atarot colony. I live off of the carwash as six other employees do. Total number of beneficiaries from the carwash is 40 people, most of whom are kids. It should be marked that the structure is registered to the Tax Department . Yet, the Israeli municipality claims the land "green", meaning that it’s a public services area".

He also added:

"  Two months ago, employees from the occupation's municipality delivered one of the worker in the carwash a demolition order. This was a year after the construction work on Rami Levi complex. The municipality is working hard to annex as much area as possible to the project through notifying Palestinian buildings and structures.

I sought an attorney right after receiving the order to follow up on the case in the court of the occupation's municipality. We did this through applying for a building permit; the application has been under consideration for two months. During this period of time, I received nine financial fines on the building (475 NIS each) on different claims.  The fines were served on the carwash structures namely ( office, container for workers' break time, diesel tank).

Last time fined, I asked the officer why would they fine me in the same time I am applying for a permit. You will never get one and I will make sure to demolish this carwash, said she"

The occupation's aim behind demolition policy became clear. It is for the sake of making room for colonial expansion plans. In this case, Rami Levi commercial complex ruined the source of income for 40 people in an attempt to empty Jerusalem from its indigenous inhabitants.

Photo 2: the commercial complex of Rami Levi being built on the lands of Beit Hanina 



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Military Orders