Israeli Occupation Forces  remove memorial stone for slain Palestinian girl in Hebron

Israeli Occupation Forces  remove memorial stone for slain Palestinian girl in Hebron


Israeli Occupation Forces  removed on April 10, 2017 a stone plaque, which memorialized the Palestinian female martyr Bayan Al-Esseili. The father of martyr said that a force from the Israeli occupation army raided the area of  Wadi al-Ghurus at dawn and removed the memorial stone. 

He also said:

" The occupation soldiers confiscated the stone that memorializes my daughter's name. The occupation didn’t only hold the dead body of my daughter for 14 days, but also destroyed her memorial stone" 

Al-Esseili pointed out that the occupation is trying to deliver a message to Palestinians that they {Israelis} are capable of defacing and wiping out the memory of anyone trying to defend the land. The father also said that he set up the memorial stone –one week from her martyrdom– through an initiative by Hebron University. 

Bayan El-Esseili was shot dead on October 17, 2015 nearby Kiryat Arbaa colony, east Hebron city. Her body was held for 14 days and was released on October 31, 2015.

It should be noted that the martyr lived in the area of Wad Al-Ghurus that neighbors the aforementioned colony. She used to pass the checkpoint of the colony to reach her destination on daily basis.

The martyr Bayan shot dead at the checkpoint



The memorial stone being removed by the Israeli Occupation Forces

Ironically, Israel set up a memorial for Baruch Goldstein, who carried out a massacre in the Tomb of Patriarchs "Abraham Mosque" in 1994,  killing tens of Palestinians and injuring others.

The plaque of Baruch Goldstein's grave



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Israeli Violations