Israeli Occupation Forces notify two water pools of demolition east Tubas governorate

Israeli Occupation Forces notify two water pools of demolition east Tubas governorate
  • Violation: notifying water pools of demolition.
  • Location:  Al-Malih area and Um Al-Jimal hamlet.
  • Date:  June 14, 2016.
  • Perpetrators: Planning and Construction Committee- Israel Civil Administration.
  • Victims:  Bedouins of the area.


Water is the nerve of life for Bedouins in Northern part of Palestinian Jordan Valley (Al-Ghoor); especially throughout the vicious attack that targets Bedouins structures and life and aims at taking the area over for colonial ends.

It should be marked that the so-called Planning and Construction Committee- Israel Civil Administration raided on June 14, 2016 the area of Wad Al-Malih, east Tubas  and notified a water pool of demolition in Um Al-Jimal hamlet and another one in the area of Hammamat Al-Malih . Noteworthy, the notices gave the affected a three day deadline to object to the demolition.

It is reported that the targeted pools were implemented through Palestine Hydrology Group with funds from a humanitarian aid association. The main reason behind the establishment of pools was to create a resource to gather the valleys water and facilitate water distribution for residents and livestock.

Before the completion of construction,  Israeli Occupation Forces notified the pools of stop-work on April 2016. Despite the continuous follow-up on the case by Tubas legal department,  nothing could stop the Israeli plan. The Israeli authorities claimed that the pools are located within a closed military zone, which was sufficient to convince the Supreme court to rule the demolition of the structures.

Human activist, Aref Daraghmeh, told Land Research Center that the targeted pools supplies water for three Bedouin hamlet namely:

  1. Hammamat Al-Malih (167 inhabitants)
  2. Um Al-Jimal (145 inhabitants)
  3. Ein Al-Hilweh (90 inhabitants). The following table shows information about the pools and the notices :


Covering communities

No. of military order\ notice

Pool of Hammamat Al-Malih

Hammamat Al-Malih


Pool of Um Al-Jimal

Um Al-Jimal and Ein Al-Hilweh




Photo 1: the affected pool of Hammamat Al-Malih

maleh1Photo 2: the affected pool of Um Al-Jimal



It should be marked that the Israeli occupation has been always chasing farmers and herders in the area of Palestinian Jordan Valley. This had a negative impact on Bedouins' life given that the area suffers water sacristy. Not only, massive area of lands were taken as Israeli training areas and military camps.


Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Military Orders